
Salt and hash a password with PBKDF2

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Uses ring::pbkdf2 to hash a salted password using the PBKDF2 key derivation function pbkdf2::derive. Verifies the hash is correct with pbkdf2::verify. The salt is generated using SecureRandom::fill, which fills the salt byte array with securely generated random numbers.

use data_encoding::HEXUPPER; use ring::error::Unspecified; use ring::rand::SecureRandom; use ring::{digest, pbkdf2, rand}; use std::num::NonZeroU32; fn main() -> Result<(), Unspecified> { const CREDENTIAL_LEN: usize = digest::SHA512_OUTPUT_LEN; let n_iter = NonZeroU32::new(100_000).unwrap(); let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new(); let mut salt = [0u8; CREDENTIAL_LEN]; rng.fill(&mut salt)?; let password = "Guess Me If You Can!"; let mut pbkdf2_hash = [0u8; CREDENTIAL_LEN]; pbkdf2::derive( pbkdf2::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512, n_iter, &salt, password.as_bytes(), &mut pbkdf2_hash, ); println!("Salt: {}", HEXUPPER.encode(&salt)); println!("PBKDF2 hash: {}", HEXUPPER.encode(&pbkdf2_hash)); let should_succeed = pbkdf2::verify( pbkdf2::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512, n_iter, &salt, password.as_bytes(), &pbkdf2_hash, ); let wrong_password = "Definitely not the correct password"; let should_fail = pbkdf2::verify( pbkdf2::PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512, n_iter, &salt, wrong_password.as_bytes(), &pbkdf2_hash, ); assert!(should_succeed.is_ok()); assert!(!should_fail.is_ok()); Ok(()) }