
Create a SQLite database

rusqlite-badge cat-database-badge

Use the rusqlite crate to open SQLite databases. See crate for compiling on Windows.

Connection::open will create the database if it doesn't already exist.

use rusqlite::{Connection, Result}; fn main() -> Result<()> { let conn = Connection::open("cats.db")?; conn.execute( "create table if not exists cat_colors ( id integer primary key, name text not null unique )", [], )?; conn.execute( "create table if not exists cats ( id integer primary key, name text not null, color_id integer not null references cat_colors(id) )", [], )?; Ok(()) }

Insert and Select data

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Connection::open will open the database cats created in the earlier recipe. This recipe inserts data into cat_colors and cats tables using the execute method of Connection. First, the data is inserted into the cat_colors table. After a record for a color is inserted, last_insert_rowid method of Connection is used to get id of the last color inserted. This id is used while inserting data into the cats table. Then, the select query is prepared using the prepare method which gives a statement struct. Then, query is executed using query_map method of statement.

use rusqlite::{params, Connection, Result}; use std::collections::HashMap; #[derive(Debug)] struct Cat { name: String, color: String, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let conn = Connection::open("cats.db")?; let mut cat_colors = HashMap::new(); cat_colors.insert(String::from("Blue"), vec!["Tigger", "Sammy"]); cat_colors.insert(String::from("Black"), vec!["Oreo", "Biscuit"]); for (color, catnames) in &cat_colors { conn.execute( "INSERT INTO cat_colors (name) VALUES (?1)", [color], )?; let last_id = conn.last_insert_rowid(); for cat in catnames { conn.execute( "INSERT INTO cats (name, color_id) values (?1, ?2)", params![cat, last_id], )?; } } let mut stmt = conn.prepare( "SELECT c.name, cc.name FROM cats c INNER JOIN cat_colors cc ON cc.id = c.color_id;", )?; let cats = stmt.query_map([], |row| { Ok(Cat { name: row.get(0)?, color: row.get(1)?, }) })?; for cat in cats { println!("Found cat {:?}", cat); } Ok(()) }

Using transactions

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Connection::open will open the cats.db database from the top recipe.

Begin a transaction with Connection::transaction. Transactions will roll back unless committed explicitly with Transaction::commit.

In the following example, colors add to a table having a unique constraint on the color name. When an attempt to insert a duplicate color is made, the transaction rolls back.

use rusqlite::{Connection, Result}; fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut conn = Connection::open("cats.db")?; successful_tx(&mut conn)?; let res = rolled_back_tx(&mut conn); assert!(res.is_err()); Ok(()) } fn successful_tx(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> { let tx = conn.transaction()?; tx.execute("delete from cat_colors", [])?; tx.execute("insert into cat_colors (name) values (?1)", ["lavender"])?; tx.execute("insert into cat_colors (name) values (?1)", ["blue"])?; tx.commit() } fn rolled_back_tx(conn: &mut Connection) -> Result<()> { let tx = conn.transaction()?; tx.execute("delete from cat_colors", [])?; tx.execute("insert into cat_colors (name) values (?1)", ["lavender"])?; tx.execute("insert into cat_colors (name) values (?1)", ["blue"])?; tx.execute("insert into cat_colors (name) values (?1)", ["lavender"])?; tx.commit() }