Download a file to a temporary directory
Creates a temporary directory with tempfile::Builder
and downloads
a file over HTTP using reqwest::get
Creates a target File
with name obtained from Response::url
and writes downloaded data into it with Writer::write_all
The temporary directory is automatically removed on program exit.
use error_chain::error_chain; use std::io::Write; use std::fs::File; use tempfile::Builder; error_chain! { foreign_links { Io(std::io::Error); HttpRequest(reqwest::Error); } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let tmp_dir = Builder::new().prefix("example").tempdir()?; let target = ""; let response = reqwest::get(target).await?; let mut dest = { let fname = response .url() .path_segments() .and_then(|segments| segments.last()) .and_then(|name| if name.is_empty() { None } else { Some(name) }) .unwrap_or("tmp.bin"); println!("file to download: '{}'", fname); let fname = tmp_dir.path().join(fname); println!("will be located under: '{:?}'", fname); File::create(fname)? }; let content = response.bytes().await?; dest.write_all(&content)?; Ok(()) }
POST a file to paste-rs
establishes a connection to
following the reqwest::RequestBuilder
pattern. Calling Client::post
with a URL establishes the destination, RequestBuilder::body
sets the
content to send by reading the file, and RequestBuilder::send
blocks until
the file uploads and the response returns. read_to_string
returns the
response and displays in the console.
use error_chain::error_chain; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; error_chain! { foreign_links { HttpRequest(reqwest::Error); IoError(::std::io::Error); } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let paste_api = ""; let mut file = File::open("message")?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let res = .body(contents) .send() .await?; let response_text = res.text().await?; println!("Your paste is located at: {}",response_text ); Ok(()) }
Make a partial download with HTTP range headers
Uses reqwest::blocking::Client::head
to get the Content-Length of the response.
The code then uses reqwest::blocking::Client::get
to download the content in
chunks of 10240 bytes, while printing progress messages. This example uses the synchronous
reqwest module. The Range header specifies the chunk size and position.
The Range header is defined in RFC7233.
use error_chain::error_chain; use reqwest::header::{HeaderValue, CONTENT_LENGTH, RANGE}; use reqwest::StatusCode; use std::fs::File; use std::str::FromStr; error_chain! { foreign_links { Io(std::io::Error); Reqwest(reqwest::Error); Header(reqwest::header::ToStrError); } } struct PartialRangeIter { start: u64, end: u64, buffer_size: u32, } impl PartialRangeIter { pub fn new(start: u64, end: u64, buffer_size: u32) -> Result<Self> { if buffer_size == 0 { Err("invalid buffer_size, give a value greater than zero.")?; } Ok(PartialRangeIter { start, end, buffer_size, }) } } impl Iterator for PartialRangeIter { type Item = HeaderValue; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { if self.start > self.end { None } else { let prev_start = self.start; self.start += std::cmp::min(self.buffer_size as u64, self.end - self.start + 1); Some(HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("bytes={}-{}", prev_start, self.start - 1)).expect("string provided by format!")) } } } fn main() -> Result<()> { let url = ""; const CHUNK_SIZE: u32 = 10240; let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new(); let response = client.head(url).send()?; let length = response .headers() .get(CONTENT_LENGTH) .ok_or("response doesn't include the content length")?; let length = u64::from_str(length.to_str()?).map_err(|_| "invalid Content-Length header")?; let mut output_file = File::create("download.bin")?; println!("starting download..."); for range in PartialRangeIter::new(0, length - 1, CHUNK_SIZE)? { println!("range {:?}", range); let mut response = client.get(url).header(RANGE, range).send()?; let status = response.status(); if !(status == StatusCode::OK || status == StatusCode::PARTIAL_CONTENT) { error_chain::bail!("Unexpected server response: {}", status) } std::io::copy(&mut response, &mut output_file)?; } let content = response.text()?; std::io::copy(&mut content.as_bytes(), &mut output_file)?; println!("Finished with success!"); Ok(()) }