
Listen on unused port TCP/IP

std-badge cat-net-badge

In this example, the port is displayed on the console, and the program will listen until a request is made. TcpListener::bind uses a random port allocated by the OS when requested to bind to port 0.

use std::net::TcpListener; use std::io::{Read, Error}; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let listener = TcpListener::bind("localhost:0")?; let port = listener.local_addr()?; println!("Listening on {}, access this port to end the program", port); let (mut tcp_stream, addr) = listener.accept()?; //block until requested println!("Connection received! {:?} is sending data.", addr); let mut input = String::new(); let _ = tcp_stream.read_to_string(&mut input)?; println!("{:?} says {}", addr, input); Ok(()) }